Additional Training
- There will be CWT with Mono/Bi-Fins, CWT with Bi-Fins, CWT No Fins and FIM training starting approx. 1 week before.
- The registration will be done as the same conditions for competition registration.
- The athletes have to pay 40 Euro/Person/Training session if they are on the boat even they don’t dive. 1 Assistant on the boat who won’t dive will be free on the boat.
- The training dates & other issues;
- Some free diver safeties is included and others are expected by the athlete’s team,
- Common pre competition training will be planned from September 22th until September 28th at 07:00-10:00 AM (one session a day),
- The competition boat and the performance & emergency system will be available.
- Please register yourself on; Click link please: