As subject to change according to the latest status of pandemy things to be done will be declared 2 weeks ago from the competition.
The event is open to the athletes aged 18 and over and belonging to National Teams fully complying with the provisions of CMAS Regulations.
National Teams may be made up of a minimum of one to a maximum of six athletes for each men’s competition and a minimum of one to a maximum of six athletes for each women’s competition.
National Teams will have to bring with them three flags of their countries, 2x1m in size and a CD containing their national anthem and they shoul deliver those at the registration.
Turkish Underwater Sports Federation (TSSF), CMAS, the Competition Director, Competition Officers and the Technical Delegates are not responsible for accidents or damage caused to people and personal effects before, during or after the competition. The organizer ensures the presence of medical assistance.
The rules of competitions applied will be: CMAS OUTDOOR Rules CA218 2022/01
All participating athletes shall accept and follow the international rules of WADA.
Athletes must be in possession of:
The original entry form signed by the Federation’s authorised person;
Valid CMAS Apnea sports licence;
ID document. Athletes that fail to provide the above documents will not be allowed to take part in the competitions, and their participation fee will not be refunded.
Classifications and Prize-giving shall be performed in agreement with CMAS Procedures.